Wedding Decoration Turned Keepsake: Easy Canvas Prints Review

Canvas Print

Complimentary canvas print provided for review.

Last month was pretty exciting with the family wedding and associated fun. Since I already had my eyes peeled for stuff to include in the bachelorette party I was throwing, my ears perked up when I was offered a canvas photo print of my choice from Easy Canvas Prints. I have a family photo blown up on a canvas in my living room, and I adore it – it’s been quite a conversation piece. So, I thought it would be fun to get a little canvas made of one of the couple’s engagement photos for a gift!

This was the first time I’d ever used the Easy Canvas Prints website, and it was very straightforward. Using their upload tool, I was able to crop the photo to make a nice headshot of the couple, and opted for a border that matched the color tones in the photo. Once I was satisfied, I place my order and waited for it to arrive. I ended up being pleased with how cute it was, and the 8 x 10 size were the perfect dimensions to tuck into my suitcase and take with me to Orcas Island.

I gave the canvas to the bride the night before the wedding, and she liked it so much that they actually decided to include it as a decoration at their wedding – she said that she has been wanting a photo to add to the cake table, and as fate would have it, this ended up going really nicely with the color scheme. Isn’t it neat how things work out sometimes?

Canvas at the wedding

Canvas Closeup

Cake Table

Wedding Gift And Decoration in One!

2 thoughts on “Wedding Decoration Turned Keepsake: Easy Canvas Prints Review

  1. Los investigadores han estudiado este efecto y le han dado a la condición su propio nombre: disfunción eréctil inducida por pornografía (PIED).

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