Book Review: Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies

Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies

A promotional copy of this book was provided for review. This post contains my Amazon Associates link.

I’ve been interested in meditation for several years, and although I’ve taken a few steps such as buying a deck of “Meditation Cards”, it’s not something I’ve made time for regularly. When I have meditated, I hit the same roadblocks most people do of having my mind wander to irrelevant topics and feeling like I was doing it “Wrong”. Earlier in the year, I watched a lecture that mentioned the benefits of mindfulness meditation and I found it to be very compelling. Both Jai and I have wanted to learn more about the topic of mindfulness meditation, and upon searching, it became clear that many of the books on the topic were pretty esoteric; I wanted something basic that would serve as a good introduction to mindfulness to those of us who have yet to go on a Zen retreat.

So when I got an offer to check out the Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies, I thought it was pretty serendipitous. After all, it couldn’t get much clearer than a “For Dummies” book, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I was eager to check it out. The irony is that it was very hard to make the time to actually sit down and read it with everything that has been going on – that in itself should tell you that I most definitely need meditation in my life!

As the title suggests, this book is a how-to manual complete with worksheets containing suggested exercises to follow as you begin to learn the ropes of mindfulness. Beginners will be reassured to know that there is no “Wrong” way to meditate, and that in fact, having thoughts pop up in your head during meditation is the whole point. Mindfulness really is about a journey with no destination, because the journey is the destination.

The authors, Shamash Alidina and Joelle Jane Marshall, are both based out of London, so I found their thoroughly sensible British approach to mindfulness very comforting. Only in Britain would they recommend ending a meditation group with tea and biscuits – I love it!

The Mindfulness Workbook is very pragmatic and practical, which really appeals to me. It discusses the scientific studies which have been done illustrating the positive effects of mindfulness, as well as the proven effects that stress has on your body in addition to pointing out why the human brain tends to focus on the negative. (If you’re interested in learning more about the science behind stress, I highly recommend watching National Geographic’s “Stress: Portrait of a Killer” which is available on Netflix.) Because this workbook focuses on the mechanics of retraining your brain through mindfulness, it is compatible with whatever personal/spiritual/religious beliefs its readers have.

I read through this workbook at the end of a very exhausting week. The authors encourage you to skim through whatever parts of the book you feel are relevant to you, which makes it very accessible to the time-strapped, stress-saddled people that need it the most. I only skipped a couple of parts that didn’t apply to me, such as the chapter on teaching mindfulness to children. I found this to be quite a profound read that elicited very visceral reactions from me; I broke down in tears at one point. In addition to being an excellent, no-nonsense primer on meditation techniques, the workbook gave me some insights I didn’t necessarily expect. I’m a perfectionist and I have high expectations, but only of myself, not other people; and I will find myself expecting that I need to feel a certain way or have specific experiences, which then makes it impossible for me to fully enjoy a lot of things. It’s a hangup I’ve always had that annoys me, because it doesn’t make any sense, but I wasn’t sure how to change it; in fact, this is the first time I’ve ever really been able to articulate it. The Mindfulness Workbook talked about this type of thing in reference to the way we think about the future and experience the present, which was helpful to me.

If you’re new to meditation, you’ll be glad to know that this book makes it very easy to understand and approachable. The meditations are broken down into simple exercises, with a kind and reassuring approach. You can do whatever you feel comfortable with – so if the 8-week meditation course provided in the book sounds as overwhelming to you as it does to me, then you can choose to do something very easy and accessible such as a three-minute morning tea meditation, where all you have to do is make a cup of tea and actually pay attention as you do. Many of the meditations could really be done anywhere, which makes it a lot more realistic to actually do them. I’m not suggesting that you be so busy that all you do is rush around with no time to do anything more than meditate for 30 seconds – far from it. I just know what it’s like when you are stretched to your absolute maximum, so think of this book as throwing you a life preserver with some meditations that you can really do in your current situation. It’s like anything else; once it becomes a habit, it’s not so overwhelming, and you’ll be able to make more time for it. The book even suggests mindfulness exercises you can do while cleaning the house – not because they’re trying to get you to be a highly productive multitasker, but rather so that you can get more out of daily experiences, and to provide ways that you can fit meditation in without having to become a monk for 6 months.

Speaking of multitasking – there are dozens of gems in this book, but this one really made me laugh:

Multitasking: It's making us dumber than we think!

I want to frame this and hang it on a wall for everyone to see! As someone who really likes to focus and not have my concentration broken, multitasking does not always come naturally to me, but I accept it as unavoidable and necessary in my job since I work in social media. But what disturbs me is that with the advent of cell phone culture, people seem to expect everyone else to be available 24/7 – there’s an assumption that I will have my phone on me regardless of whether I’m working, sleeping, or in the shower, and no matter how mundane and non-urgent the call/text/email may be. I have no problem with responding to business queries very promptly when I’m in the office, and if someone in my personal life is hurting I will drop everything, including work, to go be with them and help. But the amount of pressure put on me to be constantly “On call” for matters that could easily wait adds a great deal of stress to my life. People actually get quite upset and panicky if they want to get through to me to chit chat about the weather and they don’t get an instantaneous response because I am, say, on the other line with a client; Louis C.K.’s recent skit about cell phones filling a void seems even more apt after reading this book! I think a lot of people could really benefit from the principles behind mindfulness in today’s fast-paced world.

If you have an interest in meditation or just general well-being and stress relief, I would recommend this book. It has a gentle, easy-to-understand approach that is compatible with any lifestyle and does not require any special training or a huge amount of time. You can pick up a copy on for $19.99, and it is also available on Amazon. The book also comes with a link where you can download guided audio meditations as an accompaniment, so it really covers a lot of ground for the beginner.

Do you meditate?

Rutaesomn: The Caffeine Antidote?


Samples of Rutaesomn were received. This article is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any medical condition; always consult with your doctor before adding any supplements to your routine.

When things get ridiculously busy, my coffee consumption kicks up a notch. I already consume way more coffee than most people, and when I’m really under the gun, it’s not unusual to finding me preparing a fresh pot of coffee in the evening to keep me going during extra, extra long days. Working this much certainly isn’t something I recommend, but sometimes things happen and you just have to get through it. So when I heard about a sleeping supplement called Rutaesomn, which is meant to work almost like a caffeine antidote, my curiosity was immediately piqued. The idea behind Rutaesomn is that it’s supposed to help your body metabolize caffeine more quickly than usual, with the hope of getting it out of your system so that you can sleep easier – you take it 2-4 hours before going to bed. It’s also meant to be compatible with other sleep supplements, such as melatonin. This sounded like something that could be quite helpful to me!

In order to give this supplement the best possible test, I saved my capsules for nights when my workload was really heavy and I was drinking a lot of coffee in the evenings. I also took it by itself – no other sleep aids were consumed with it. These were my initial impressions:

Night 1 – I took a Rutaesomn capsule in the evening, washing it down with a cup of coffee. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I couldn’t get to sleep and was up all night in fits of wakefulness.

Night 2 – Took a capsule with a cup of coffee at 8:30 PM; couldn’t tell difference in my sleep either way. I didn’t have a worse time than usual getting to sleep, but it wasn’t necessarily any easier to fall asleep either.

Night 3 – I took a capsule with a cup of water at 9:30 PM after a long day of coffee-drinking, worked out, and passed out instantaneously when I went to bed!

Night 4 – Took Rutaesomn with a cup of water at 9:08 PM right after finishing a cup of coffee, didn’t sleep very well.

ETA: I should have been clear about what my bedtime was on these nights – I wasn’t getting into bed until at least 12 AM, which is why I took it around 8 or 9 at night.

As you can see, I put this to a really difficult test since I only drank it on high-caffeine days, often taking the supplement with my last cup of coffee of the day late at night! It didn’t do too much for me under these circumstances. However, I would definitely try this again for more typical days of coffee consumption, and I’d love to try it with melatonin.

If you’re curious to read more about Rutaesomn and the concept behind it, check out and visit them on Facebook.

Squeezing The Last Drop Out of Summer With Coppertone

Coppertone Products

Sunscreen samples were received for review.

We are officially two days into autumn. I know, right?! This summer went by in a blur and then some. But despite what the calendar says, we haven’t seen the last of sunny days just yet. The weather has started to turn here in Seaside, but I still expect to see some nice days before September ends. And if you’re traveling across the US, you could find some pretty balmy weather – so don’t be fooled into forgetting your sunscreen!

My pals at Coppertone sent me some samples of their travel-friendly line, designed to comply with 3-1-1 TSA restrictions for carry-on liquids. This is super handy, since I am always buying these travel sizes before I fly! They’re also great for tucking into your handbag for road trips, as I did last week when we went up to Seattle. Yes, I am Oregonian driving to Seattle in September, and I had to apply sunscreen. Twice. In the car!! I burn easily, OK? Luckily, I had Coppertone SPORTยฎ’s travel size lotion in SPF 50. I’ve used this twice so far – it worked great on the drive, and I also applied it before hitting the beach earlier in the month. My skin “Felt” a little sunburnt after that trip to the beach, although it looked fine. I don’t think that was the sunscreen’s fault, as I was out during peak hours and I have found that even with sunscreen on, I can get burnt during peak times. I also find it harder to get total coverage with a cream, which is why the Coppertone aerosol spray I reviewed earlier in the year has been so amazing. I’m seriously going to buy another aerosol spray next time I buy sunblock for use at home, and save these handy creams for traveling by plane, where you of course can’t bring aerosol sprays.

Another product I tried out was Coppertone Kids Stick Sunblock in SPF 55. I love this for getting around hard-to-cover areas like your ears, since you can be more targeted and don’t have to worry about slopping cream all over your hair.

Oh, and remember how I mentioned in my last review that I liked the Oil Free Faces but thought that SPF 15 was a little low for me? Well, this time I got a tube of SPF 55 – perfect!

So, if you’re hitting the road to soak up the last of the good weather before we get completely deluged in October’s storms, remember that the sun can be sneaky so don’t forget the sunblock! For more info on suncare, you can check out Coppertone’s “Making The Grade” program which provides info about best practices for keeping kids safe from sunburns.

Girl’s Game Night With Tapple


Thanks to Tapple for providing a complimentary game for our girl’s night in! This post contains an Amazon Associates link.

I love playing board games, but I don’t get to do it very often these days. So when one of my BFFs came over to celebrate her birthday, I thought it would be a great time to bust out a new game I wanted to try: Tapple. This is a word game – one of my favorite kinds! – so it sounded like a lot of fun.

Tapple consists of a battery-powered game board and a deck of cards. Each card had a category and players much come up with an appropriate word in said category and hit the corresponding key on the board. So for example, if the card was “Ice Cream Flavors”, you’d hit the letter “C” for “Chocolate”. The timer gives you 10 seconds to come up with a word, then buzzes. The keys can not be selected again until the round is over, so once a letter is taken, you have to get creative! The categories range in everything from “Dog & Cat Breeds” to “Actors”.

This was quite fun – nothing makes you forget every word you’ve ever learned quite like a 10-second time limit, which of course is the fun and challenge of it! My friend gave some very interesting answers, because she’s a big cheater the instructions encourage “Creativity and imagination”. ๐Ÿ˜‰ We laughed quite a bit coming up with silly answers! The main drawback for me is the fact that the gameboard excludes certain letters like “V” and “X” – there were two instances where I yelled out answers like “Valentine’s Day!” or “Xylophone!”, only to cry “Nooooooo!” when I realized they weren’t on the board. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But I suppose that’s all part of the challenge!

Playing Tapple!

Posing with the Tapple box. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Pick up your own Tapple Board Game on Amazon for $19.99!

Wedding Decoration Turned Keepsake: Easy Canvas Prints Review

Canvas Print

Complimentary canvas print provided for review.

Last month was pretty exciting with the family wedding and associated fun. Since I already had my eyes peeled for stuff to include in the bachelorette party I was throwing, my ears perked up when I was offered a canvas photo print of my choice from Easy Canvas Prints. I have a family photo blown up on a canvas in my living room, and I adore it – it’s been quite a conversation piece. So, I thought it would be fun to get a little canvas made of one of the couple’s engagement photos for a gift!

This was the first time I’d ever used the Easy Canvas Prints website, and it was very straightforward. Using their upload tool, I was able to crop the photo to make a nice headshot of the couple, and opted for a border that matched the color tones in the photo. Once I was satisfied, I place my order and waited for it to arrive. I ended up being pleased with how cute it was, and the 8 x 10 size were the perfect dimensions to tuck into my suitcase and take with me to Orcas Island.

I gave the canvas to the bride the night before the wedding, and she liked it so much that they actually decided to include it as a decoration at their wedding – she said that she has been wanting a photo to add to the cake table, and as fate would have it, this ended up going really nicely with the color scheme. Isn’t it neat how things work out sometimes?

Canvas at the wedding

Canvas Closeup

Cake Table

Wedding Gift And Decoration in One!

Ripley’s Believe It Or Not “Dare To Look!” 2013 Annual + Discount

Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Promotional copy provided for review.

Last year, I got a fun nostalgia flashback when I reviewed the 2012 Ripley’s Believe It Or Not annual. The book is back for its 2013 installment, Dare To Look!, so naturally I had to check it out. I grew up reading these books and they still suck me in with their endless lists of fun facts and tidbits. I have to say that these contemporary versions are a lot more squeamish to me than the old school installments, since we now see full-color photographs of things like cysts and a man with hooks through his eyes, but I just quickly skim over those pages. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now that I have a newer iPhone, I was also able to download the Ripley’s App, which allows you to scan pages in the book to access bonus content, like this video of a snowboarding possum. The app also has a daily comic, which is drawn in the same retro illustration style that Ripley’s used in their annuals that I grew up with – I love that!

As always, these books are a fun, light read. PDXers will also be proud to know that the basketball-playing sea otter at the Oregon Zoo got a mention in this year’s annual! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Right now, you can pick up a copy of Dare To Look! for only $14.99 plus free shipping by clicking this link! This is a special discounted price for blog readers, so make sure you use this link to order and snag the deal!

Traveling With Arbonne


Arbonne samples were provided for testing.

With all the traveling I did last month, I feel like I was packing bags constantly! I have a special bag just for my toiletries, and I like to pack smaller, travel-size items whenever possible in order to save space. So when some mini testers of Arbonne skin care products arrived, it was great timing since I was about to hit the road!

This set featured samples from the RE9 Advanced skin care line, and included the following:

Smoothing Facial Cleanser
Regenerating Toner
Intensive Renewal Serum
Corrective Eye Cream
Restorative Day Creme Broad Spectrum SPF 20 Sunscreen
Extra Moisture Restorative Day Creme Broad Spectrum SPF 20 Sunscreen
Night Repair Creme

All of these products are meant to be used twice daily, with the day creams applied in the morning after the other products, with the night cream used, obviously, before bed. The samples were enough to last roughly 4-5 days, so I took them on my trip up to Washington, which was very convenient. I enjoyed the texture and scent of the products – the eye cream tingled a little when I put it on, so I was concerned that my sensitive skin might have a reaction, but I had absolutely no problems. I loved that the day creams both had SPF, since that’s really important to me; you can either use just one or both, and I usually put on both. ETA: I was mistaken, you’re only meant to use one or the other day creams, not both at the same time. What is unique to me about this set is how many moisturizing products you layer on – I figure that just putting on that many different creams has got to help keep my skin moisturized, haha! I didn’t feel like my face was greasy or heavy, however. I liked this set and I’d happily use it again; it’s more steps than I usually do in my skin care routine, but it doesn’t take too much extra time.

If you’re curious to read the clinical results for this product, click here. The trial consisted of 163 participants using the products over 4 weeks, and was run by International Research Services Inc., which is a private clinical research company. I wasn’t able to locate the full clinical research papers or names of the people who conducted the trial, which I’d really love to read. I can’t say that I looked any younger after using the product, but my skin did feel moisturized.

PDX Blogger Book Club: Fitness Confidential

Fitness Confidential

This post & “Fitness Confidential” book club event are part of a compensated campaign that I was hired to organize; Amazon Associates links have been used in this article. Bloggers were provided with a complimentary ebook and Starbucks gift card as a thank you for participating. Always consult with your doctor before beginning a weight loss or exercise regime; this article is not intended as health advice or to diagnose, treat or prevent any condition.

I really enjoy getting the chance to meet up with local bloggers, which is partially why I’ve logged so much travel time this summer. So when Word of Mouth Women asked me if I’d like to organize a book club event for area bloggers, I was really excited. The book club was being coordinated to discuss “Fitness Confidential”, written by celebrity trainer Vinnie Tortorich with “Arrested Development” writer Dean Lorey. One part memoir and one part healthy living manual, this book is a humorous, fun read that touts a more common-sense approach to weight loss and exercise over gimmicks and fads. I was eager to see what my colleagues would have to say about this, especially since I met so many great people at FitBloggin’ in June.

Pioneer Courthouse Square

Usually, I would host an event like this at my house, but since I’m the only blogger in Seaside, I knew that wouldn’t work for this type of gathering since everyone else is either in or close to Portland. As I mulled over where to hold the event, I quickly decided on Pioneer Courthouse Square. This brick courtyard in downtown Portland has tons of places to sit, free Wi-Fi, and a Starbucks – where better to hold a book club than a coffee shop?

PDX Book Club Bloggers

On Friday night, a great group of local bloggers came out to hang out, chat, and share their thoughts after reading “Fitness Confidential”. Pictured from left to right are Jennifer from The Quirky Momma, Jodi from The Mama Gut, Evelyn from Momsicle, myself, Mary Ann from A Cloth Life, and Krista of Mostly Mommyhood. We were also joined by my fiance and blogging tech guru Jai, who conveniently offered to hold the camera so he could get out of being in the picture. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Book Club Bloggers!

After we all got a cup of coffee and sat down, we began our discussion of “Fitness Confidential”. I was looking forward to hearing everyone’s honest opinions – I figured that if a few people really hated the book, we’d have some lively conversation fodder! But that didn’t end up happening, because our group unanimously enjoyed the book, even those who were expecting to dislike it. A couple of bloggers said that they had been dreading reading it because they thought it would be dull, and were surprised to find that they couldn’t put it down after they started. Lest you think me disingenuous, I’d like to mention that I lead the discussion with several critiques of my own, because I wanted the bloggers to feel comfortable sharing anything they didn’t like about the book.

All of us enjoyed the storytelling in this book and the no-nonsense way in which Tortorich conveys his diet and fitness advice. His philosophy on health is simple and does not involve any elaborate systems or steps: For losing weight, he believes that a no-sugar, no-grain diet is they key, and he also maintains that diet is more important that exercise for getting and keeping weight off. This brought up some really interesting discussion on how this approach could work for us – some of the bloggers had already taken steps by ordering their coffees without sugar, or making bacon for breakfast! What a lot of us appreciated about the book was the fact that he doesn’t tell you to eliminate sugar and grains 100% of the time, since deprivation can really sabotage healthy eating; instead, he advises that you simply avoid grains and sugar most of the time, even if you have cake on your birthday.

This brought up the interesting point of how much work can be involved in eating this way, since so much food contains sugar even when you don’t expect it. Obviously, making all your food from scratch is the ideal way to go, but our group pointed out the challenges that poses when you have several children as well as a full-time job. A working mom who pulls shifts at two jobs before picking her kids up at daycare faces different challenges than a celebrity – so we may have to adapt some of these strategies in order for them to be realistic for our own schedules. I’m sure personal trainers are sick to death of the excuses they hear from their clients, but I think it’s important to remember that some people have very good reasons why their health is on the back burner, so it’s important to look at their life as a whole when addressing potential solutions rather than dismissing everyone as just being lazy. If Tortorich comes out with a book on healthy living for families, I think it’d be a huge hit with our group, and I’m sure he could put together a great one since he’s actually trained children!

The bloggers really enjoyed how Fitness Confidential utilizes funny anecdotes and life experiences to entertain and inspire. The book is full of one-liners which the author refers to as “Vinnie-isms”, with stories ranging from hilarious and surreal moments training his Hollywood clientele to his own triumphs against unimaginable adversity. His style is very opinionated and blunt – our group didn’t seem to really be offended by the language used in the book, although they said they could have gone without some of the more explicit anecdotes about his conquests. In fact, the dismissive jokes about women in the first half of the book seemed to be the only thing that really got our eyes rolling when reading the book.

Discussing the book

As the sun set over Pioneer Square, we wrapped up our book club and said our goodbyes. It was a great evening of thought-provoking discussion – I had such a wonderful time connecting with these great women. I’ll be sharing their reviews on the book with you as they post them, but in the meantime, I will leave you with mine and Jai’s take on Fitness Confidential.

Beeb’s Review:

Beeb reviews Fitness Confidential

I read this book in the car last week during our trip to Orcas Island. Fitness Confidential is a fast, light read – in fact, it took me almost as long to get the Kindle app working as it did for me to read the book! Tortorich and Lorey have created a book that is engaging, compelling, and funny. I loved reading his personal story and was glad that he made this book fun and humorous, because I’m so bored of traditional health books; I was reluctant to put Fitness Confidential down because I was absorbed in the story.

Tortorich’s skewering of the diet/fitness industry is entertaining, and while I don’t agree with him on everything, I think his overall approach makes a lot of sense. When I got to the portion of the book about “No sugar, no grains”, I thought, “Well, I’m out!”. ๐Ÿ˜‰ However, everything he says makes sense and the fact that he encourages his clients to still indulge occasionally makes it much more practical for real-world success. I certainly can’t argue that reducing my intake of sugar and bread helps me, because as a matter of fact, I try to avoid keeping those things in the house specifically because I know I will want to snack endlessly on them.

Jai’s Review:

Jai reviews Fitness Confidential

“This book covers a lot of ground in its 240 pages and, no matter your interests, there’s a little bit of something for everyone. Gym rats, weekend joggers, Ultra-racers, and people who just want to lose a few pounds will find something good to walk away with. Vinnie Tortorich has decades of real-world experience as a personal trainer and has seen fad diets come and go. He has a way of distilling a lot of complicated concepts into something that can be adapted into lifestyle changes that work. I can think of two major concepts that I’ll be taking from this book and integrating into my life. The first is the general approach to food. Notice that I didn’t use the word diet in that sentence. The other is the advice on which exercises are most important for weight lifting, and guidelines on the best way to increase the weights as you progress. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book!”

Fitness Confidential is available on Amazon for $9.99. For more information and to listen to the author’s free podcast, visit

Running Through Summer With LifeTrak

Running through summer

LifeTrak provided a complimentary Move C300 for review via the Fitspiration For Moms Network.

This has been one of the busiest summers of my life. It seems that we’ve been running from one event to another nonstop – sometimes quite literally, since Jai has also been trying to get back into jogging now that the weather is better! One of the issues he’s encountered with getting a jogging routine down is that he’s been having trouble finding a replacement for the GPS running app on his Android phone now that it is kaput. He used to track his runs with the app on his device so he could see progress and stats as well as time himself, essentially competing against himself to make good time. Although he can obviously still run without any devices, he feels a little defeated if he can’t track his progress and doesn’t feel encouraged to run because he has no way of setting and meeting goals.

LifeTrak Move C300

So when I heard about the LifeTrak Move C300, I immediately wondered if this activity tracker could be something Jai could use to replace his Android device. The Move C300 wears like a watch and tracks steps, calories and heart rate, with Bluetooth connectivity available for their optional app. Jai has been using it for about a month now, and has gotten to try it while going about his normal daily activities as well as more athletic pursuits like running.

The LifeTrak does not have a built-in GPS, unlike what Jai was using with his Android device, however it can connect with the Argus app and make use your device’s built-in GPS. The app is currently only available for iOS devices, but an Android app is in the works as well. We did give this a try with my iPhone 3GS, but the bluetooth feature is only supported in iPhone 4 and higher.

Move C300 is surprisingly accurate with how it senses your steps and can tell the difference when you’re walking or running. It keeps track of all your movement and gets a good estimation of how far you’ve gone; and if you’re a person that takes lighter or harder steps than average, you can adjust sensitivity if you find the Move C300 is being thrown off.

Looking right at screen, the activity tracker shows you the time, day of week, date, how far you’ve gone, heartrate or how many calories burned – you can adjust what stats you want it to show. You can set your daily goal and the bar at the top of the screen tells you how close you are to hitting it throughout the day. The LifeTrak can also be a stopwatch, telling you how far you’ve gone and doing a sub-count of single workouts in addition to your daily totals. Jai is surprised at how hard it is to fool – it seems to know the difference between shaking your arm and actual steps. It seems to intelligently discern between different kinds of movements, which is really helpful. Jai did notice that while he was mowing the lawn, it seemed to exaggerate how far he went; he thought that the vibration of the lawnmower and the weird movements may have thrown it off a little, although it could have been factoring in the extra calories he burned.

Jai wearing LifeTrak

Jai really liked the fact that he could wear this on his wrist as a watch – it makes the Move C300 a functional accessory that is easy to carry and keep with you at all times. The lack of ability to utilize a GPS with our current smartphones is the main dealbreaker for him at this time. He thinks that this might not be the first choice of a hardcore runner training for a marathon, but for someone who just wants to walk or run more; he thought this was perfect for casual use and general health.

The fact that it’s always on you and keeping track of your activity separates it from devices that you can’t wear so easily. Grandma was actually really intrigued by this, since she’s always said she wanted to get a pedometer because she’s curious to know how many steps she takes around the house, since she’s always hustling and bustling with cooking and cleaning. Jai’s going to let her try it out, but if she gets tired of it he’d be happy to use it again just because it’s an awesome watch, tracker, and tool in general, even if he does supplement his running with other tracking methods.

Enter to Win a LifeTrak Move C300

Would you like to try out the Move C300 for yourself? Enter for a chance to win one via the Giveaway Tools widget below. Giveaway ends September 14th, 2013 at 9:59 PM PST. This is a group giveaway we are participating in – please see the terms and conditions outlined in the widget for full rules.

For more on LifeTrak, check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.

Have you ever used a fitness tracker before?

True Chews Premium Jerky Cuts Review

True Chews

Bob the dog received a free bag of treats to taste-test! ๐Ÿ˜€

Grandma’s Labrador Bob has a chewy snack or bone every day. So when our friends at the appropriately-named offered me my choice of doggie snack to review, I thought that a bag of True Chews Premium Jerky Cuts looked like a good one. These strips are made from chicken and have that nice, chewy consistency that makes a good snack for Bob.


So when Jai was walking Bob, he brought him by the house to say hi, and we took out the True Chews to see what Bob would think.

Bob eating True Chews

Bob got so excited when he saw Jai holding the bag of snacks that he started jumping up and trying to get at them before we had even gotten the bag open! He gobbled the chew down lickety-split. Now, Bob can’t speak English to tell us what he thought, but he was so anxious for seconds that when Jai was getting ready to give him another chew, Bob literally had drool running out of his mouth. I think that’s dog speak for “GIMME!”. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Grandma told use that she was at the computer printing out some family photos yesterday, and when she looked over at Bob, he licked his lips, which is his way of letting her know that he’s hungry. So, she pulled out a True Chew and he was satisfied! She was happy to have another bag of chewy jerky treats for Bob and I think Bob was also most delighted!

Can I have another?!