Get #Jumpin at FitBloggin’


Complimentary conference admission received as a live blogger, plus a sweet t-shirt! No coverage requested or required.

One of the workout classes I signed up for at FitBloggin’ was the JumpSport Fitness Trampoline BOUNCE Camp – I’ve heard such great things about trampolines as a low-impact exercise for people like me who are recovering from knee issues and the like. However, my knees were already feeling the strain from the previous day’s bootcamp and walking all day, so I decided it would be best to skip the higher-intensity class and not over-exert myself, since pushing myself too hard at the gym is what caused my injury to begin with. I was disappointed, but luckily JumpSport had a booth in the Expo Hall where I could give the trampoline a try at my own pace!


Such a fun workout and easy on my knees – definitely something I’d like to look into further!

My JumpSport shirt


7 thoughts on “Get #Jumpin at FitBloggin’

  1. Danielle – yep, you are correct, that one is for adults. I didn’t know they made a lot of kid’s trampolines, but after looking at their site I see they have pretty much every kind of trampoline under the sun! 🙂

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