Never Answer The Phone

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A few months ago, Jai and I watched Memento on NetFlix for the first time. I have been saying “I really want to see this movie!” since it came out over a decade ago – I am so behind the times. We really liked it; I want to watch it again to try and make more sense of it, and see if there’s an alternate version available that starts at the end. Knowing me, it’ll be another 10 years before I have time to re-watch it.

So today, we were going over some of the things on our to-do list, and I said to Jai: “Everyone thinks I’m really organized, but it’s only because I write every single thing down in my planner. I’m just like the guy in Memento – I have no idea what’s actually going on, I just have a list of things telling me what to do.” He then reminded me of our favorite scene from the movie, which he can relate to so well:

I know it’s supposed to be a thrilling plot twist, but we both cracked up laughing the second it happened – if Jai were to ever get a tattoo, this is exactly what it would say! He hates getting phone calls more than anyone else I know. It’s not the phone calls themselves, but the urgency that every call seems to come with. Now that everyone has cell phones, there’s this creepy culture that has seeped in where people will call you at any hour (Including midnight) and expect a call back within 5 minutes. Smartphones seem to have really opened the floodgates and we both find ourselves having to keep our phones on mute permanently if we want to avoid being woken up in the middle of the night because someone wants to gab or show us a funny YouTube video. If you’ve ever read “The Murderer” by Ray Bradbury, it beautifully sums up how I feel about cell phones – and he predicted it all in 1953!

At any rate, I was glad that we finally watched this movie after so much time. I’m so notoriously behind on movie-watching that my brother-in-law once made a list of classic movies that I’m supposed to watch. Unfortunately, I lost the list – which also seems like something that would happen to the Memento character. 😉

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About Beeb Ashcroft

I'm a British expat living on the north Oregon coast with my fiancé, Jai. Journalist since 1997 & blogger since 2008, this is my personal blog where I share my life adventures & favorite things!

12 thoughts on “Never Answer The Phone

  1. Ugh! I don’t answer our home line EVER bc it’s always people asking for $ for charity! So annoying and apparently they are do not call list exempt. I did really enjoy that movie!

  2. I never heard of it either and I do not answer land-line phone either. People are always asking for money, LOL I do want to see that movie!

  3. I never answer my land line. Only reason I have it is because comcast gave it to me for free in my package

  4. I LOVED this movie. Though yeah, I definitely need to see it again to wrap my head around it more.

    I can’t even keep up with my own life going in the normal direction, I can’t imagine what I”d be like if I had to live like this!

  5. Todo esto dará lugar a la incapacidad del hombre para lograr o mantener una buena erección que funcione para una actividad sexual satisfactoria.

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