FitBloggin’ Expo Hall: Sworkit


Complimentary conference admission received as a Fitbloggin’ live blogger. A promo code for Sworkit Pro was received. No post requested or expected, I just thought it was neat!

The last month has been insane for me – I feel like I’ve been juggling a million different things because, well, I have. The downside to a “Desk job” is that I can easily spend 15 hours a day writing with no real breaks – yes, I usually like to go to the gym and no, it just hasn’t been possible this month. My back has been killing me lately and I’ve been trying to remember to build in little breaks to get up and stretch; so I was interested to visit the Sworkit booth at the FitBloggin’ Expo Hall. This app lets you customize your own workout routine, from cardio to stretching; just choose from one of their pre-sets or pick and choose which sets of exercises you want and desired intervals. You can then follow along with the app to get in a workout – I’ve been using this to do little 5-minute stretching breaks, and I have to say, it has been useful. Appealing further to my Super Coupon Girl nature, they also offer coupons and rewards when you complete workouts. The first stretching routine I finished earned me a free sample of Propel – freebies for working out?! Sign me up! 😉

You can download a free version of the app or just do a workout directly from their website at The Pro version of the app retails for .99 cents.

3 thoughts on “FitBloggin’ Expo Hall: Sworkit

  1. La mejor manera de prevenir la disfunción eréctil es elegir un estilo de vida saludable y controlar las enfermedades existentes. Los problemas para conseguir o mantener una erección también pueden ser un signo de una enfermedad no diagnosticada que necesita tratamiento y un factor de riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas. Pese a no ser considerada peligrosa para la salud física de quien la padece, si no se trata, esta enfermedad puede llegar a afectar a las relaciones con la pareja, la familia, el entorno laboral y social.

  2. Los expertos creen que en momentos de estrés, la actividad en las secciones menos esenciales del cerebro, incluso en aquellas que controlan la excitación, comienza a disminuir.

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