FitBloggin’ Recap: Ignite Fitness

First world blogger problems

Complimentary conference admission and access to noms received as a FitBloggin’ live blogger!

Last Saturday brought us FitBloggin‘s keynote event/party extravaganza, Ignite Fitness. During this event, 14 bloggers gave 5-minute slideshow/speech presentations ranging from inspirational to humorous. You can watch all of the presentations on YouTube, so check it out! I had to take some photos of the meme slides from DubyaWife‘s presentation, How to be Socially Awesome: On & Off the Internet!

Blog conference Success Kid


Conspiracy Keanu

Any presentation that includes a slide of Conspiracy Keanu is OK with me. 😉


The party also included a parfait bar with ingredients from Attune and Driscoll’s Berries. This was my creation!

Attune Corn Flakes

I got some cereals and graham crackers from Attune in my swag bag, so these Corn Flakes have been my “Breakfast of the blogger champions” while I catch up on the mountain of work since getting back from the conference. 😉

FitBloggin 2013 - Day 2-7276

Photo by Carrie D Photography via Flickr

Oh yeah, and this happened too! I haven’t sung karaoke in about 7 years – with good reason – but when I saw that they had Maroon 5 in their songbook I resigned myself to my fate. I got up and announced, “I’m about to sing my Twitter username!” I must be crazy to do this at a social media conference, but fortunately I don’t think anyone took a video, so your eardrums are safe for now. 😉

7 thoughts on “FitBloggin’ Recap: Ignite Fitness

  1. I totally wish I would have hung around the first night for the Ignite session AND to hear you sing. There isn’t enough wine in PDX to make me sing 🙂

  2. Como hemos comentado anteriormente, este tipo de episodios está muy relacionado con los factores emocionales. Muchas personas con baja autoestima se enredan tanto en su propia percepción de sí mismos, que comienzan a proyectarla sobre los demás.

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